Thursday, April 12, 2012

Now That Trayvon Martin's Murderer Is Jailed, We Still Need To Keep This Momentum Up & Demand Justice For ALL People of Color In the U.S.!

with little pal Harmony following the March 26th "Million Hoodie March for Trayvon Martin" in downtown Los Angeles

The Washington Post published this photo of me and other activists on Tuesday from the April 9th march in downtown L.A. which demanded Zimmerman's arrest

The good people’s prayers and demands have been answered! Moving forward, now that 17-yearold Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, is finally in custody and being charged with murder, where do the millions who cried out for justice go from here? How can the millions who marched, rallied, signed petitions, made Justice themed artwork, wrote articles & blogs, prayed, called or wrote their elected officials, utilized online social networking, started or joined causes such as Million Hoodie March , Occupy, Justice For Trayvon Martin and many other movements, and cried, chanted and shouted for Zimmerman’s arrest turn this case into something bigger than one man’s arrest?

We all know this is not an isolated incident. What’s the bigger picture? Shouldn’t we reach higher?

Of course it will be a lengthy trial, so we will have a lot of times on our hands. Why not make the most productive use of that time? (more after the jump)

Take action! Stay involved! Join one of the many groups who helped organize rallies and marches. Join a local social justice group. Register to vote! Volunteer. Invite friends. Let’s turn this tragedy into a powerfully positive force that we use to accomplish our dreams of a just and peaceful society.

In spite of the condemning evidence against Zimmerman, he was initially allowed to go free. Likewise, many crimes by those in power against minorities, women and the poor go unchecked all the time! Could this case be a starting to point to reform the police departments and judicial systems that time and time against fail the Black, Brown and economically oppressed communities in this country? Many Americans know that this case can be bigger than just Trayvon Martin if the We the People make it so. With all the unrest going on in this country and in the world, this is a prime time to storm the gates and demand a real democracy!

This mobilization is about rightness for ALL the Black and Brown youth around the country who have been in the past, currently are and will continue to be victims of corrupt law enforcement and unjust court systems! We are tired of our young Black and Brown brothers being illegally ‘stop & frisked’ without cause or warrants by racist and classist police officers. We are appalled at the neo-slavery that is enforced through the prison industrial complex in the country that unfairly imprisons Black and Brown men for lengthy periods of times, making the corporations who profit off their labor rich. We are disgusted by the GOP’s war on women’s rights and healthcare, which disproportionally affects women of color and the poor. We can’t believe our ears at the racist propaganda that screams at us from far right media outlets and pundits. We cry out against the laws in Arizona that make racial profiling legal, which obviously target at our Brown brothers and sisters and mirror the Jim Crow days. We protest the exploitment, scapegoating and mistreatment of our undocumented Brown brothers and sisters. Sadly, the list goes on of the systematic oppression of people of color in the “modern” country.

It’s urgent that this momentum does not slow down, but become a massive tidal wave that smashes the system that divides people in this country instead of uniting us together.

“An injury to one is an injury to all!”

It’s important that those fighting for racial social justice become aware and fight against the alarming and growing war against women that has been waged by the Republican Party! 50% of people of color are women, so the GOP’s war on women is also a racial justice issue, especially since women of color will suffer the worst if this current assault on women’s healthcare, contraception rights, well-being and self-esteem waged by the affluent white men who run the Republican Party succeeds. All social justice movements really do need to come together ASAP!

Again, take action! Stay involved! Join one of the many groups who helped organize rallies and marches. Start your own! Join a local and/or national social justice group. Register to vote! Volunteer! Invite friends. Paint a picture of what justice means to you! Write a poem, perform spoken word! Get the message out! Let’s turn this tragedy into a powerfully positive force that we harness to accomplish our dreams of a just and peaceful society.

2012 is not the end of the world as the Mayan calendar suggests, it’s the BEGINNING of a new dawn, the people’s dawn! Haven’t you noticed that people all around the world are rising up against tyranny and economic injustice all at the same time? There is also this global human consciousness awakening that many feel happening, a universal enlightenment. So much promise and positive energy is here and awaits us. And of course, right here and NOW is the time to take a stand!

A favorite chant of mine from the Trayvon march:

“Ain’t no power like the power of the people cus’ the power of the people don’t stop! Say what? Ain’t no power like the power of the people cus’ the power of the people don’t stop!”

Justice for Trayvon! Justice for All! Justice for Now! Justice for Our Future!

I met the cutest little trooper for justice on the steps of L.A. City Hall on March 26th following the Trayvon Martin march

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Video: Ashley Love on NBC News: "This is bigger then Trayvon Martin, this is about Black & Latino youth around the country unjustly treated by law enforcement & the courts."

Last night was the most highly attended Trayvon Martin rally in Los Angeles to date. Never have I been so inspired about our chance to combat the blatant racism and unjust treatment of Black and Latino youth in this country by law enforcment and the court system. NBC News interviewed me last night at the rally and included it in their 11:00 news, here's the video:

View more videos at:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Occupy Wall St.'s Wake Up Call to America: The NDAA Violates Numerous Constitutional Ammendments! ( January 3rd Protests in New York)

Today Americans who care about our Constitutional rights took over New York City in an outcry against the appalling “National Defense” Authorization Act (NDAA). Occupy Wall Street planned the daylong event, and was joined and supported by numerous organizations.
The NDAA makes it so that American citizens can be held without a stated reason or filed charge, or even a trial! No evidence or jury is needed to detain people indefinitely; all that is needed is the government saying so. This is similar to what happened in World War 2 era Germany where Jews were imprisoned and enslaved for no just reason.
As a loud mouth activist, this very much concerns me. I could go missing off the map and no one in the world would know that I was suffering in a detention camp simply because I am outspoken about wanting to live in an actual democracy. Many people who speak truth to power could be affected by this law. This is legally sanctioned intimidation to spread fear against the American uprising.
We will not be scared into submission! Got that?!
Today’s OWS event started off with a press conference in front of the New York Public Library, followed by rallies outside NY Senator’s offices. Then to the Rockefeller Center where they were denied entrance by security. Next, a march to Fox Headquarters to protest Rupert Murdoch’s support of NDAA. And then a finale at Grand Central educating the commuters about the NDAA.
It’s so important that we hold our Congress accountable for voting on a law that disregards our human rights. I am looking forward to January 17 where people from all over the country will descend upon Washington DC for the Occupy Congress event. Congress should be protecting the people, not putting us in harm’s way like the NDAA is obviously doing

(the photo is from December 17, not from today's events)